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Interior Design

The focus of the course is to provide a theoretical and practical platform for a career in interior design.Design and create functional, beautiful spaces and learn the key design programs, 3D-modelling software, and drawing for interior design. Gain industry skills to market a business, pitch an idea, and manage clients.

Course Instructor Edutainer

₹1000.00 ₹1600.00 38% OFF

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Course Overview

Your course


  • Analyse trends and communicate through sketching
  • Grasp core interior design principles and build your design skills with theory
  • Understand various interior design computer-aided programs and how to use them
  • Gain practical skills to be able to run an interior design project
  • Present a professional interior design project and create your own portfolio of work

Course Curriculum

1 Subject

Interior Design

1 Learning Materials

Module 1

Lesson 1

External Link

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